Novated Lease
Compare and save
We specialise in helping people just like you with a novated lease or novated finance. Our process makes it easy to understand the difference between a good deal and a bad one. In other words, the way car leases are priced can often seem like a minefield to the average person. We make the process transparent and clear. Above all, we take the time to explain the reasons for our recommendations. For instance, a simple comparison chart only shows a small fraction of what you need to know to adequately make a novated lease comparison.
The process
Simplicity is the key, so we break the novated lease comparison process into a number of small steps. We start by having a chat over the phone and then make an assessment of your individual requirements. From there, we issue you with a written quote. When you are happy to proceed, you authorise us in writing to lodge an application on your behalf. You’ll feel great knowing you did your novated lease comparison up-front.
Car loan approvals
When we provide easy car finance, we do the paperwork for you and sell your loan to the lender. Emphasising all the reasons why your loan should be approved is a very important part of our job. If you need a novated lease, then request a Quick Quote now.
Once you are approved
The fun part begins, now that you have your novated lease approval. Knowing that you have done your novated finance comparison, all you need to do is find the car, agree on the price and we’ll take care of the rest. Of course, every borrower will need to arrange their insurance too, but once again, it’s a very quick and simple process. You can even do it over the phone with most insurers. We make getting a novated lease, as easy as 1-2-3.